Atria v15 Clean Installation
This article outlines the clean install process for the Atria Platform.
System Requirements
Atria v15 Clean Installation Check List
Here is a check list summary to ensure the environment is ready for install:
Atria Installation Summary at a glance
The following table summarises the steps in the install process
Step | Item Description | Notes |
1 | Installation Check list |
2 | Install Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap
| This needs to be installed on all servers and provides access to Atria tools module.
3 | Install Atria Tools Module | This needs to be installed on all servers and provides access to Atria installer commands.
4 | Deploy Components (Provisioning Server)
- Config Service Component
- Register Atria Environment - Database Component - Atria Agent Component
- Platform API Component - Provisioning Component
- Provisioning Manager Component
- DirectoryWS Component
| - Database Component installs Atria databases (OLM and OLM Reporting) on SQL server
- Atria Agent Component is responsible to install required services to communicate between environments
- Platform API Component includes all APIs used within Atria environment
- Provisioning Component will deploy provisioning service and required files
- Provisioning Manager provides UI to access and view provisioning rules, events and actions
- Directory Component installs all required files to communicate with Active Directory
5 | Transfer Certificates from Provisioning server to Web server | Refer to Transfer Certificates for a step by step walkthrough
6 | Deploy Components (Web Server)
- Web Server Components | - This applies to Web Server |
7 | Import Atria Schema | - This applies to the Provisioning Server |
8 | Import Atria Extension | - This applies to the Provisioning Server |
9 | Post Installation Process | Refer to Remote Environment Configuration |
Installation Guide
Once the prerequisites are met, you can run the following commands in PowerShell to start installing Atria components.
Run commands using PowerShell (Administrator Mode)
Install Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap from Powershell Gallery
- [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
- Install-Script Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap
- Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1 -username 'any username' -PersonalAccessToken 'access token provided by Automate101'
This will install 2 Atria modules: Atria.Tools and Atria.Platform

Repeat these steps to each server that you will run the Atria package installers. For the database, you can run the install on the provisioning server since we will pass database server parameters when running the command to install.Provisioning Server
Config Service Component
The Config Service centrally stores configuration and secrets and is used by all Atria components.
By default, you can use the following command to install the config service database.
The Install-AtriaConfigService cmdlet installs the Atria Config Service.
This installer will create a database called AtriaConfigService on the database server specified, ensure this is added to your backup routines.
Ensure all highlighted parameters are completed.
Credential : a domain admin credential that will be used to run the installers
StorageConnectionString : database server\instance and port
MessagingUrl : RabbitMQ Messaging Alias
RabbitMQPort: 5672 (http) or 5671 (https)
MessagingUsername : RabbitMQ Admin Account Username
Messaging Password : RabbitMQ Admin Account Password
Storage Type : -UseSQLStore / -UseFileSystemStore / -UseKeyVaultStore
- Install-AtriaConfigService -Credential (Get-Credential) -StorageConnectionString 'Server=AtriaSQL\Instance;Database=AtriaConfigService;Trusted_Connection=True' -MessagingUrl ''amqps://rabbitmq messaging alias:rabbitmqport' -MessagingUsername ''rabbitmq admin account username' -MessagingPassword ''rabbitmq admin account password'' -UseSQLStore
Register Atria Environment
Before Installing/Updating the main Atria Database
Requirement for Registering Atria (details for each parameter set)
Environment : 'Staging' or 'Production'
CRMId : CRM Deployment Id - to be provided by Automate101 Support
Customer : Customer Name
- Set-AtriaRegistrationDetails -Environment Staging -CRMId 'CRMID' -Customer 'Customer Name'
Database Component
Before installing database component please make sure that your database server is running and accessible via provisioning server. You can use the following sample command to check the connectivity:
- Test-NetConnection -ComputerName 'AtriaSQL' -Port 1433
- Install-AtriaDatabase -ServerInstance 'ATRIASQL\instance' -ServerPort 'sqlport' -UseWindowsAuth
Instance is optional depending on SQL Server setup.
Make sure that the account has sysadmin role into the database.
You can use -SQLCredential as an alternative for -UseWindowsAuth.
Atria Agent Component
- Install-AtriaAgent
- Install-AtriaPlatformApi
Provisioning Component
- Install-AtriaProvisioning
In Atria v15, provisioning engine is been separated from the provisioning manager UI.
Provisioning Manager Component
- Install-AtriaProvisioningManager
Directory Web Service Component
- Install-AtriaDirectory
Web Server
Before running the commands in next step to install Atria web components, transfer certificates from Provisioning server to your Web server.
Web Component
The Atria Web component includes 4 different components - you can install all of them by using the following command:
- Install-AtriaWebComponents
Or install each component individually with:
- Install-AtriaWebForms
- Install-AtriaProxy
- Install-AtriaWeb
- Install-AtriaExternalAPI
Import the Atria Service Schemas (Provisioning Server)
- $atriacreds = (Get-Credential)
- Set-AtriaServiceSchemaCredential -AtriaPortalCredential $atriacreds
- Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service <servicename>

Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service ADSync,AzureAD,Citrix,DNS,Exchange,FSS,HostedAppsAndDesktops,MFA,MicrosoftAdfs,Msol,MySql,Office365,Sharefile,Sharepoint,SkypeForBusiness,VirtualMachine,WindowsWebHosting
Import the Atria Extensions (Provisioning Server)
- Import-AtriaExtension -Extension @('AdUserSync','PowerShell','DatabaseMaintenance','SystemJob')
Post Installation
Once you have completed the installation it is always important to test, navigate to
https://atriaweb/ and ensure the environment is accessible and running.
Apply SSL Bindings in IIS via the AtriaProxy site to add a hostname and SSL certificate for the front-end website.
Remote Environment Configuration
Remote environments feature in Atria v15 enables customers to be managed in both shared and private Active Directory networks. This article gives you more information on different environment types and associated features:
Remote Environment Configuration.
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