The following article provides the prerequisites necessary for the deployment of Atria v15+ into your environment.
System Requirements
Core servers for the platform should be domain joined. Before you can deploy Atria the Active Directory schema must be extended to include the standard Exchange attributes. This is required to prepare the environment for multi-tenancy and is mandatory even if you do not intend to deploy Exchange.
To extend the schema, use the schema prep tool from the Microsoft Exchange Installation Media and run the following commands from a Windows Command Prompt (example):
E:\Setup.exe /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms /PrepareSchema
E:\Setup.exe /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:”A101”
Core Component Environment
For our latest supported Server, Database and Service versions please refer to the following article:
Supportability Matrix
The minimum recommended specifications for the core components are:
# of Server
Core Component Services
Provisioning Server
8 GB
Atria Config Service, Directory Web Service, Provisioning Engine, RabbitMQ, Agent, Platform API
Database Server
8 GB
Atria Database, Atria Reporting
Web Server
8 GB
Atria Web
There is a high chance of extensive DIsk I/O during the installation. High-performance storage is recommended.
Windows OS Version
The minimum recommended version for all core platform components is Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server 2022.
Database - SQL Version
The minimum recommended version of Microsoft SQL Server is 2016. The highest version currently support is SQL Server 2019.
Make sure that your SQL deployment is configured to have Mixed Mode Authentication.
Make sure that the SQL configuration for the TCP/IP properties are enabled properly.
During installation include SQL Tools such as SQL Management Studio and SQL Profiler.
Windows Domain Administrator Account
It is a requirement that a Domain Administrator account is used to run the entire Atria deployment process.
Optional - Credential/Token Storage
If Atria was created in Azure
Atria needs access to credentials that are sensitive. The credentials and tokens can be stored encrypted within the environment. The choices are Database or FileShare. There is another option to store them in Azure KeyVault. An Azure KeyVault should be available at the time of installation, and an account with full access over this KeyVault as well as the ability to create azure applications needs to be available when installing the Atria Platform. Creating the KeyVault and Application can be done ahead of time.
The most recommended method is at the top of the list:
Firewall and Network Requirements
The following table outlines the required network protocols and ports for communication between the Atria components.
Web Server
AD Sync
Web Server
Communicates with the API Service
Web Server
Provisioning Server
8095, 8098, 8100, 8101
Web Server
SQL Server
1433 / Custom SQL Port
Web Server
Config Service
Web Server
Web Services
Web Services are deployed on servers such
as Exchange and SharePoint
Web Services
Provisioning Server
Provisioning Server
SQL Server
1433 / Custom SQL Port
Provisioning Server
Web Services
Web Services are deployed on servers such
as Exchange and SharePoint
Provisioning Server
SMTP Relay Service
SMTP Relay is required for system generated
Provisioning Server |
Provisioning Server |
15671 / 15672
RabbitMQ Management
Remote Private Directory
Web Server
Retrieve install data |
Remote Private Directory
Provisioning Server
5671 |
RabbitMQ AMPQs |
If planning to setup the AtriaWeb on a DMZ environment, make sure that the firewall rules are open especially (HTTP/HTTPS). The installer will communicate with the AtriaConfigService to retrieve encryption keys to be set to this component. Make sure also to open the traffic from AtriaWeb going to AtriaSQL via the SQL port.
Enable WebSockets on Network Firewall/LoadBalancer
Coming into 12.11+, the platform now is running through websockets and it is a different protocol over the same ports as http and https, but if firewalls or loadbalancers are not correctly configured it will get denied. Check and enable to accept websockets but this depends on your firewall/loadbalancer that handles it.
IF this is not enabled, then some configuration webpages will appear "Blank" with a solid white screen. These can be accessed directly on the Web Server if enabling WebSockets is not a possibility.
For example: If using WebProxy going to external it looks like this:
For each server that will have core components or web services installed, the below prerequisite items must be installed. From version v12.11+ the database installation should be run from the Provisioning Server, so prerequisite items are not required on the SQL Server.
- Powershell 5.1 (if on Windows 2012 R2), Otherwise this is the standard version on Windows Server 2016/2019
- .NET Framework 4.8
Please check if Powershell and .NET server versions are both supported by your services (i.e. Exchange, Virtual Apps & Desktops, etc.) If not, then the latest CU or software version of your services needs to be implemented. If not possible, then we can retain the CPSM web services as is until it is ready.
- Add Host (A) Records below to be set to the Provisioning Server IP address
- AtriaConfigService
- AtriaHTTPTunnel
- AtriaPlatformAPI
- Add CNAME DNS records
- AtriaSQL
- AtriaWeb
- Create a Domain Admin account that will be used for Atria installation.
RabbitMQ Installation
Rabbit MQ is a new Messaging service to replace Microsoft Messaging Queueing (MSMQ)