Atria Platform v15+ Update Guide for Legacy Versions

Atria Platform v15+ Update Guide for Legacy Versions


This article outlines the upgrade process for the Atria Platform.

Applies To

  1. Atria 12.6+ 
  2. Atria 12.11+
  3. Atria 12.13+
  4. Atria 12.14+ (Early Adopters)
If environment is still on CPSM, kindly coordinate this with Atria Support

System Requirements

In order to install Atria v15+ you MUST complete the prerequisite components noted in the following article: Atria v15 System Requirements

Atria v15+ Upgrade Check List

Here is a check list summary to ensure the environment is ready for install:

Item Description
Atria version is listed on the supported versions
This applies to all Atria components as per latest release
Install Erlang and RabbitMQ
Messaging can have its own server. In this article Provisioning server is used as messaging server. For more information please refer to System Requirements
Configure RabbitMQ and add messaging DNS entry
Please refer to System Requirements for a step by step configuration.
Atria network ports are open and accessible
To get more information please refer to System Requirements

Atria Upgrade Summary at a glance

The following table summarises the steps in the install process
Item Description
Upgrade Check list

Connect to the Atria-Beta Release Repository Feed
15.0 packages are on an Atria-Beta release repository feed
Upgrade Components
- Refer to Config Service in v15 to get more information about Config Service Component

- Conversion and Update from the old ConfigService to the new one is to be done (An extra command than usual)

- Atria Agent Component is responsible to do the updates required services to communicate between environments
Import the Atria Service Schemas
Atria Service Schema update

Remote Environment Configuration
Remote Environment Configuration and Update of Remote Components
Web Services
Updating each Atria Web Services
Update Completed
Summary of the Atria Platform v15+ Update

Update Guide

Install the Atria.Tools Module (12.6)

If Atria is on 12.6, the AtriaTools module should be installed running the following commands in PowerShell to start installing Atria components.
Run commands using PowerShell (Administrator Mode)
Install Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap from Powershell Gallery 
  1. [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  2. Install-Script Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap
Update the Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap Script to point to Public Beta Feed
  1. notepad 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts\Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1'
  2. Update the $RepositoryLocation value
    $RepositoryLocation = ''
Install Atria.Tools module from the script
  1. Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1 -username 'any username' -PersonalAccessToken 'access token provided by Automate101'
This will install 2 Atria modules: Atria.Tools and Atria.Platform

Update the Atria.Tools Module (v12.11 - v12.14)

If Atria is on 12.11.x to 12.13.13, the AtriaTools module should be updated once (this will upgrade directly from 12.11.x to 15.x)
If Atria is on 12.13.14, the AtriaTools module should be updated twice due to some changes on the modules (this will upgrade from 12.13.14 > 12.13.16 > 15.x.x)
If Atria is on 12.14, the AtriaTools module should be updated once (12.14.x to 15.x)

Connect to the Atria-Beta Release Repository Feed
Currently, the 15.0 packages are on an Atria-Beta release repository feed. Please contact Atria Support for an access token for this feed.
  1. Connect-AtriaFeed -UserName '<any username>' -PersonalAccessToken '<access token provided by Atria Support>' -FeedUrl ''
  1. Update-AtriaToolsModule
Restart PowerShell Session after the update
This will update the Atria modules: Atria.Tools and Atria.Platform

Repeat these steps to each server that where Atria Components were installed.

Install DotNet Core 6.0 from the Atria.Tools module folder 

  1. Navigate to the folder - C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Atria.Tools
  2. Open the Atria.Tools of the most recent version downloaded and go to the SupportScripts folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Atria.Tools\\lib\SupportScripts)
  3. Run the dotnet-hosting-6.0.6-win installer

After installing/updating the Atria modules and installing DotNet Core 6.0, proceed to Convert and Update the ConfigService Component (Provisioning Server) 

Convert and Update the ConfigService Component (Provisioning Server) 

The Below applies only to upgraded from a version prior to V15. If you have already upgraded to 15.x, please continue to the next step.
Below example uses -UseSQLStore parameter, to get detailed information about Config Service please refer to: Config Service Installation Options

By default, if using -UseSQLStore - the AtriaConfigService database will use the current Atria DB ConnectionStrings and will create where OLM and OLMReports are deployment (default is on AtriaSQL DB server)
Storage Type-UseSQLStore / -UseFileSystemStore  / -UseKeyVaultStore
MessagingUrl : RabbitMQ Messaging Alias
MessagingUsername : RabbitMQ Admin Account Username
Messaging Password RabbitMQ Admin Account Password
All Values must be in single quotes 
Please remove the '<>' from each value once inputted, so it will just be a UserName or Password.
For the Messaging URL, Please input the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) instead of "Atria Messaging", but with AMQPS infront of the FQDN. 
      for example, a completed parameter will be -MessagingURL 'amqps://'
A good test is to confirm that the FQDN is able to be pinged to confirm it's responding and able to be talked to by the provisioning server.
Messaging Username is case sensitive - This means that if your Username contains uppercase values, this additionally needs to be present between the single quotes.
  1. ConvertTo-Atria15PlusConfigService -UseSqlStore -MessagingUrl '<amqps://atriamessaging>' -MessagingUsername '<rabbitmq account name>' -MessagingPassword '<rabbitmq account password>'

Set Atria Installer Credential

Credential : a domain admin credential that will be used to run the installers. It is recommended to use a unique service account for Atria only. This account can only be used during upgrades and can be disabled after.
  1. $installercreds = (Get-Credential)
  2. Set-AtriaInstallerCredential -ForInstallerActions -Credential $installercreds

Update the Database Component (Provisioning Server)

If on 12.6 and 12.11 you need to run the Set-AtriaRegistrationDetails prior to Upgrading the Database Component.
vironment : 'Staging' or 'Production'
CRMId : to be provided by Automate101 Support
Customer : to be provided by Automate101 Support
  1. Set-AtriaRegistrationDetails -Environment Production -CRMId '<CRMId Provided by Automate101>' -Customer '<CustomerName in CRM>'
Update of the Database Component can be executed from the Provisioning Server.
OLM and OLMReports will be backup during update process. If OLM and OLMReports Database were backup prior to this step, then -SkipDBBackup parameter can be added on the command below.
  1. Update-AtriaDatabase
If the below error is encountered, just hit 'Continue (c)'

After it completes, re-run the Update-AtriaDatabase and it should be completing it without any errors

Install Agent Component (Provisioning Server)

  1. Install-AtriaAgent

Install/Update the PlatformAPI Component (Provisioning Server)

If on 12.6, run install
  1. Install-AtriaPlatformApi
If on 12.11 - 12.14, run update
  1. Update-AtriaPlatformApi

Install/Update the Provisioning and ProvisioningManager Component (Provisioning Server)

If ProvisioningManager is not yet installed, run Install-AtriaProvisioningManager
  1. Update-AtriaProvisioning
  2. Update-AtriaProvisioningManager

Update the Directory Component (Provisioning Server)

  1. Update-AtriaDirectory

Install/Update the WebComponents (Front-End Web Server)

This will install/update the 4 Web Components (WebForms, Atria, AtriaProxy, ExternalApi)
If on 12.6, run install
  1. Install-AtriaWebComponents
If on 12.11 - 12.14, run update
  1. Update-AtriaWebComponents

Import the Atria Service Schemas (Provisioning Server)

  1. $atriacreds = (Get-Credential)
  2. Set-AtriaServiceSchemaCredential -AtriaPortalCredential $atriacreds
  3. Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service <servicename>
For 12.11 to 12.14, you may just update the existing schemas using the following command
Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Installed
Import-AtriaServiceSchema -Service ADSync,AzureAD,Citrix,DNS,Exchange,FSS,HostedAppsAndDesktops,MFA,MicrosoftAdfs,Msol,MySql,Office365,Sharefile,Sharepoint,SkypeForBusiness,VirtualMachine,WindowsWebHosting

Import the Atria Extensions (Provisioning Server)

  1. Import-AtriaExtension -Extension @('AdUserSync','PowerShell','DatabaseMaintenance','SystemJob')

Once Primary Components are done, initiate a restart of the ConfigService to re-initialize the migrated configs and secrets.

  1. Restart-Service AtriaConfigService

Remote Environment Configuration

Remote environments feature in Atria v15 enables customers to be managed in both shared and private Active Directory networks.  This article gives you more information on different environment types and associated features:  Remote Environment Configuration.

If on 12.11 to 12.14
After the Remote Environment Configuration has been completed, we can now update your existing Private or Shared environment with the following steps:
1. Update the AtriaToolsModule to 15.x using the command Update-AtriaToolsModule (Restart powershell afterwards)
2. In Atria, Navigate to Configuration > Environment
3. Click on the Environment Name to be upgraded
4. Scroll down to the Tokens and click on Add Token
5. Copy the script from the Token generated, run this script on the Private/Shared environment using PowerShell (Admin mode)

The script from the token should do all the components for a private or shared environment

Web Services

For each Atria Web Service (i.e. Exchange, MSOL, HostedAppsAndDesktops), update each web service with the following steps:
1. Make sure to apply the Atria Root CA on each of the server where the Atria Web Service using the article - Extracting and using the Atria Root CA
2. Install/Update the AtriaToolsModule to 15.x (Restart powershell afterwards)
3. Run the update for the Atria Web Service 

To find out if any of these have been updated, run the command "Get-AtriaComponent -ListOutOfDate". This will show the current web services and other packages that are out of date.

Below is the list of web services and their relevant commands to upgrade.
Atria Web Service
PowerShell Command
Microsoft ADFS

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