Service Provider Billing Configuration

Atria Billing Setup User Guide


This article describes how to configure Atria to utilize the latest billing features. This document outlines the billing setup attributes that should be configured.   

Applies to

Introduced in Atria version 12.0.0

Billing Setup Overview

To help service providers with monthly billing, Atria includes attributes that should be configured to support the billing process. These include:
  1. Billing Periods
  2. Customer Account Codes
  3. ‘Billed By’ account
  4. Product SKUs
  5. Billing Exclusions (see Billing Rules User Guide for more information)

Billing Period End Date

The billing period end date can be set to align with your billing system end of month process.  This is configured as a ‘Bill Process Day’ in Customer Portal Settings > Service Settings > Configure Service Settings. Once this has been set, the billing process will automatically run at the end of the billing period.

Customer Account Codes

If your business uses customer account codes for billing, these can be included in the Service Billing Summary output to match your internal billing system codes.The Customer Account Code is displayed in the billing summary report Excel output:

To configure Customer Account Code:

1. Navigate to Customer>Customers >
2. Select a customer and open the Customer Details Panel and click the Additional Options Link:

3. Enter the Customer Account Code as the 'Billing Identifier'.
4. Save and Provision the Customer.

Reseller View vs Customer View

To enable Atria billing to be transparent to both the Service Provider and the Service Provider’s customers, both types of users can view the same data set.  The separation of data is managed by selecting a ‘billed by’ value when creating the customer.

Configuring ‘Billed By’ – Customer Portal Settings

The ‘Billed By’ Customer is the customer who is responsible for billing this customer.  This is typically the Service Provider unless there is a reseller hierarchy where resellers bill their customers directly.

To configure Billed By:
  1. Choose a customer and navigate to the Customer Services>Customer portal Settings
  2. Navigate to Advanced settings>Configure Service Settings
  3. Choose ‘Customer’ Category Filter from the dropdown list
  4. Check the ‘Billed By Customer’ checkbox and choose the Reseller/billed by customer.

Configuring Product SKUs

In Atria, all entities are very different, and these will grow as new services are added to Atria. The billing process is simplified by assigning a SKU to each entity, regardless of the type.  SKU’s are very powerful assets not only to uniquely identify individual billable services, but also to set individual SKUs as non-billable using the Atria billing rules engine.
The SKU is a free form text field - it is set in different places depending on the type of entity:
  1. User plan based SKUs - for services provisioned to user such as Hosted Exchange, Skype for Business.
  2. Customer plan based SKUs - for services provisioned to customers such as Web Hosting, SQL Hosting etc.
  3. Hosted Apps and Desktops - where SKUs can apply to a specific application or resource.
  4. Citrix Apps - where SKUs can apply to an application, application group or resource.
1. User plan based SKUs
To set a User Plan based SKU such as Hosted exchange, assign a stock code for each user plan when configuring the service for a customer.
  1. Navigate to Customers and select the customer.
  2. Navigate to ServiceName>Service Plan Configuration > Advanced Settings > Configure User Plans > User Plan Name > Prices.
  3. Check the Stock Code checkbox and add the SKU.
  4. Apply Changes then Provision.
2. Customer plan based SKUs
To configure the SKU for a customer plan such as Windows Web Hosting:
  1. Navigate to Configuration>System Manager>Service Deployment.
  2. Choose the service (i.e. Windows Web hosting.
  3. Navigate to Customer Plans>Configure Service Settings>Prices.
  4. Check the checkbox and add the SKU.
  5. Apply Changes then Provision.
3. Hosted Apps and Desktops Customer Service SKU

To set this Customer Service SKU, assign a stock code for each user plan when configuring the Hosted Apps and Desktops service for a customer.

  1. Navigate to Customers and select the customer
  2. Navigate to Hosted Apps and Desktops>Service Plan Configuration>Advanced Settings>Configure User Plans>Prices
  3. Check the Stock Code checkbox and add the SKU
  4. Apply Changes then Provision
4. Citrix Applications SKU
To create a SKU for Citrix Applications
  1. Navigate to the Citrix Applications Management screen: Services > Citrix > Configuration > Applications:
  2. Then set the SKU for each application and save:

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