Billing Periods (or months) are configured by the service provider. This can be configured as, whole months, fixed day of month-end date or days before the end of the month. Each billing period has a start and end date based on the chosen configuration. So for example, if the month-end for billing is on the 25th of the month. A billing period will automatically get created with a start date of 26th and end date of 25th of the following month. The Billing Period is the container for all of the billable items generated by Atria.
This feature allows each customer to have a defined billing relationship with another customer within Atria. This allows flexibility for service providers who may operate both direct and indirect billing models with the customers who are consuming their services.
Billing rules are defined in the system to disable billing for sets of items. This allows the service provider to control what is charged independently of customer settings. Each rule matches on criteria and sets items to be non-billable. Each Billing Rule has a date range of application – outside of this date range, the rule does not apply. This allows service providers to temporarily exclude items from billing, or for billing to start on a particular date.
Creation or deletion of customers
Creation of deletion of users
Change of service plan (at customer or user level)
Add/Remove of service instances
Change of applications (Citrix service or Hosted Apps and Desktops Service)
Addition or removal of domains
At the end of the billing period, Atria automatically generates a set of billing items based on the services that have been provisioned/de-provisioned within that period (defined by the billing period end date). This also includes all billing items carried over from the previous month. Every element that could be potentially billed has an entry in the billing detail table. Once the billing items have been generated for the billing period, the billing rules are run to set all non-billable items.
Where any billing anomaly is found, this can be easily corrected by creating or editing billing rules and reprocessing the billing period from the Billing Rules Configuration page.