Updating Remote Environments via Atria Update

Updating Remote Environments via Atria Update


Coming into Atria v15.2, there is now a feature to update the Remote Environments Components for Atria without any login interaction needed into the Atria remote servers.
This means, instead of needing to log into each different Atria Environment for Private Environment, we can now initiate updates across all of these with one script, or an individual environment, saving you time. 

The script outputs what environment it is working on, and if there are any issues with the update for any reason, it will notify you and continue on the rest.

Atria Components Associated

  1. AtriaUpdateClient - this is the component that will be installed on the Primary Provisioning Server. This is where the Update-AtriaRemoteEnvironment command will be initiated
  2. EnvironmentService - this is an Agent Worker that is included when Atria Agent components is installed
  3. AtriaUpdate - this is a service that is installed automatically on Remote Environments using the Environment Service. This is the service that will run the updates on the remote environment once the Update-AtriaRemoteEnviroment has been initiated from the AtriaUpdateClient server

Setup the AtriaUpdateClient

Run the following command to install the AtriaUpdateClient on the Primary Provisioning Server - This enables the ability to remote the Private & Private Shared Environments.
One time installation only
  1. Install-AtriaUpdateClient
Use Update-AtriaUpdateClient if the client has been installed previously, and you'd like to install the latest version.
Also make sure that on the Atria Portal, the Environment Setup Configuration FeedUrl is set to /v3/index.json.

This is located under Configuration > Environment Setup Configuration

Run the Update on the a specific Remote server

The command the will be initiated from the Primary Provisioning Server will be Update-AtriaRemoteEnvironment, it also has a parameter -EnvironmentId
To get the EnvironmentId of the Remote Environment you want to update, use the command: Get-AtriaEnvironment -UseDefaultCredentials

  1. Update-AtriaRemoteEnvironment -EnvironmentId 'environmentId '
Running the update will check and make sure that the AtriaUpdate service on the remote environment is up-to-date. And after that, it will then update the Atria components that are out of date.
By default the run update only runs on the environment that we want to update based on the EnvironmentId.

Run the Update on ALL Atria Remote Environments

Attached is a script that will get all of the existing Remote Environments, and will do the update on each
  1. Download the attachment on this article
  2. Extract and copy the script into the Primary Provisioning Server (make sure to check the properties of the script file and unblock if needed)
  3. Using PowerShell (running as admin), navigate to the folder where the script was copied/exported and then run the following command:
  4. This will then retrieve all of the Environments present in Atria, and update each one individually. Please note, it does one Environment at a time, and doesn't try to do them all at once. If one fails, it will write to the host that it has failed to update environment x.
This will grab all of the Atria Remote Environments and will run the update on each environment.
If an error occurs during the update - We'd recommend going through the individual components to update directly on the server to get a more accurate error.
  1. .\Update-AtriaRemoteEnvironments.ps1
Sample Screenshot

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