Quick Reference Guide - Creating Custom Rules to allow Atria to populate email address attribute on provisioning in AD

Quick Reference Guide - Creating Custom Rules to allow Atria to populate email address attribute on provisioning in AD

In this Quick Reference Guide, we will discuss on how to add 2 custom Provisioning Rules to allow the Atria portal to populate the email attribute to AD if the account don’t have Office365

1.1 Step by Step Guidance: 




Set email address property for user

  1. Go to Default Rule Stores > Events > User > Provision > After
  2. Right click and select New Rule
  3. Enter the following details on the fields below
  1. Action: User Email Property Set
  1. Description: Set email address property for user
  2. Path: {UserFullPath}
  3. Username: {UserName}
  4. EmailAddressEmailAddresses
  5. ExternalEmailAddress = {UserDBProperties} (“ExternalEmailAddress”) 
  6. DCServer = {DCServer}



  1. Click Condition tab and enter the following details below
  1. Condition: Not {ExchangeProvisioned}
  2. Description: Set email address property for user
  3. Condition enabled: Check the Box           

    Click on General tab and click on Rule Enabled tick box

  1. Click File > Save. 


Set Email Property for user in AD

  1. Go to Default Rule Stores > Events > User > Provision > After
  1. Right click and select New Rule
  2. Enter the following details on the fields below
  1. Action: User Email Property Set
  1. Description: Set Email Property for user in AD
  2. Path: {UserFullPath}
  3. UserName: {UserCN}
  4. Attribute: mail
  5. Value: {UserEmail}
  6. DCServer: {DCServer}

  1. Click Condition tab and enter the following details below
  1. Condition: Not {ExchangeProvisionedOrElse CInt({MailboxVersion}) < 2010
  2. Description: Set Email Property for user in AD
  3. Condition enabled: Check the Box 

  1. Click on General tab and click on Rule Enabled tick box.      


  1. Click File > Save 


Close Provisioning


 Restart the AtriaProvisioningService both on your Primary Location and Remote Location for these rules to take effect.


Relaunch the Portal and Log back in. 


Try creating and provision new users again and let us know the results. 

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