Create User - Prevent Chrome browser from auto completing username and password fields
As Atria is an administrative tool, usernames and passwords are frequently keyed in, but unlike other username/password combinations this is one time you dont want the browser to remember.
There are HTML directives that should in theory disable autocompletion on fields, unfortunately these features are largely ignored by most common browsers.
The Chrome browser will automatically fill username and password textbox inputs even if autocomplete html attribute of this elements are set to off.
This workaround shows how to remove a saved password for the Atria website and then turn off saving of login information to the website to prevent auto fill.
Reset Chrome auto fill configurations
- Open Settings in
- Expand Passwords.
- Remove the
password(s) saved for this site.
- Logout then login
back to Atria portal. Click Never to turn off saving passwords for Atria
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