Migrate to a new Hosted Apps and Desktops Delivery Controller
For each server that will have core components or web services installed, the below prerequisite items must be installed. From version v12.11+ the database installation should be run from the Provisioning Server, so prerequisite items are not required on the SQL Server.
- Powershell 5.1 (if on Windows 2012 R2), Otherwise this is the standard version on Windows Server 2016/2019
- .NET Framework 4.8
- Install Windows RSAT Features on the VM
- Copy across the Root CA Certificate - https://docs.getatria.com/docs/installation/transfer-certification
Prerequisite for the Atria Setup
During the process, allow any install/config changes related to PATH Environment Variable Change, NuGet Provider, PSRepository- [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
- Install-Script Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap
- cd 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowershell\Scripts'
- .\Atria.Tools.Setup-Bootstrap.ps1 -username 'any username' -PersonalAccessToken 'access token provided by Automate101'
This will install 2 Atria modules: Atria.Tools and Atria.Platform
Install XenApp Component(s) on the new Delivery Controller
After this is installed, we need to Install the Atria Component of XenDesktopWS, or XenAppWS if Applicable.
On the new XenDesktop Controller, run the below command via PowerShell
Install-AtriaHostedAppsAndDesktops -HostedAppsAndDesktops -HostedAppsVersion 'XenDesktop'
Install-AtriaHostedAppsAndDesktops -HostedAppsAndDesktops -HostedAppsVersion 'XenApp'
Once this is installed, you should be able to switch the delivery controllers over in the UI with the below steps
- Enable the server:
- From the Atria menu bar, choose Configuration > System Manager > Servers.
- If the server on which you installed the service is not listed, click Refresh Server List.
- Expand the entry for the server and verify that Server Enabled is selected.
- Assign server roles:
- From the Atria menu bar, choose Configuration > System Manager > Server Roles, and then expand the entry for the server.
- Under Server Connection Components, select Hosted Apps and Desktops, and then click Save.
- Add a server connection:
- From the Atria menu bar, choose Configuration > System Manager > Server Connections, select a Location Filter if applicable,
- Server: Select the server where the web service is installed.
You should see the previous server in the Server Connections, drop down the “Server” and select the new setup in step 2.1.

- Credentials: Select or type the credentials for the server.
- URL Base: Select or type /CSMXenAppWS/v1 for XenApp, /CSMXenDesktopWS/v1 for XenDesktop.
- Protocol: Select http for XenApp and XenDesktop.
- Port: Type 8095 for XenApp or XenDesktop.
- Timeout: Defaults to 200000 milliseconds.
- Version: Select the installed service component: XenDesktop Direct for the XenDesktop web service, or XenApp Direct for the XenApp web service.
- Click Save.
- On the Server Connections page, click the icon in the Test column for the server. The icon turns green for a successful connection. A red icon indicates an unsuccessful connection. Mouse over it for information about the failed connection.
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