How to Move Customers within Atria

How to Move Customers within Atria


This article will guide you how to move a customer from one reseller to another. 

Applies To:

Atria V12.x and later versions


User move can only be performed by Service Provider Administrator or Reseller Administrator. When moving a Customer, they are also moved within Active Directory to the new Reseller OU.

When a Customer is moved, all the services provisioned to the Customer are also moved. This means that all users are also reprovisioned.
If the destination customer doesn’t have a service that is currently provisioned to the user being moved, e.g. Hosted Exchange,  the user can’t be moved .  The service would have to be provisioned at the destination customer and then the user can be moved.
This means that Services and Service Plans need to be equal between resellers. So if you are trying to move a customer with Hosted Exchange and the new Reseller doesn't have Hosted Exchange, the move will be unable to be initiated.


How to move a customer via the Web Interface

Navigate to the Customer Move function within Atria (Customers > Configuration > Customer Move)

Once at the next screen, select the customer you would like to move, and it's new reseller that you would like the customer moved to.

Please note, there is a validation step run when you select "Load Customers" - This validates the service plans for each reseller to confirm that they can correctly move under the new reseller.
This is to prevent you moving customers to another Reseller who is missing services that are provisioned to the customer.

Next, you are requested to match the relevant plans between the Source and Destination - This is to make sure the Customer Service Plans match on both sides if they are named different for resellers for example.
Additionally, if you are running multi-location you can configure the location of the customer move.

Select "Move" once the service plans have been matched accordingly.

Then you will get a confirmation screen that the DB move is successful. While the user(s) and service(s) are re-provisioning, this is shown as a bulk request on the "Provisioning Requests" screen.

How to move a customer via the API

Moving a customer via the API is simple. All you need to do is set the ParentID of a customer to be matching the new ParentID of where you want the customer moved to. This does require that the service plans are correctly configured for both resellers. Which means that they have the same Plan Selection are the same for both resellers. 

For example, they will need to have matching Hosted Exchange plans within the destination reseller.
The example Set Request, which is moving the customer ATR to the destination parent of HNP, is below

  1. $ApiRequest = @"
  2. <?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`"?>
  3. <request version=`"1.0`" action=`"SET`">
  4. <customer>
  5. <name>ATR</name>
  6. <parent>
  7. <name>HNP</name>
  8. </parent>
  9. <status>Provisioned</status>
  10. </customer>
  11. </request>
  12. "@
  14. # Initialize the client
  15. $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient -Property @{
  16.     Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential(Get-Credential)
  17. }
  19. $apiUrl = "https://atriaweb/cortexapi/default.aspx"
  21. $response = ""
  22. [xml]$xml = $response = $client.UploadString($apiUrl, $apiRequest)
  23. $response

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