Configure Atria to have a freeform Company Name attribute for users.

HOW TO : Configure Atria to have a freeform Company Name attribute for users.

Users in Active Directory and Azure AD have an attribute called Company.  By default, Atria will automatically populate this value with the Customer Name field from Atria.  With default configuration, this means that on importing users with the AD User Import, Atria does not retrieve this field, and on provisioning of users, it will be reset to the customer name.

This article explains how to enable users to have a freeform company field, enabling it to be edited across users.  You can change the configuration for all customers, or make it a customer specific configuration.   If it's customer specific, you will need to make this same configuration change for each individual customer where you need this to apply.

Once the configuration has been applied, Atria will no longer generate the Company value for this field.  It will subsequently reset the attribute to empty on user provisioning if the value has not been specified for the user.

Create a user field to store the company attribute

If you want to apply this setting for a single customer, search for the customer and make sure Atria has that customer in context by looking for the customer name next to the search banner.

  1. Navigate to Customers > Configuration > Customer List > Display Properties
  2.  Select “New Property”
  3. Enter the details for a property to appear on the user page
    1. Ensure the property name is “company” and the AD Attribute is “company"
    2. To make the setting apply to all customers – check the “System” checkbox to enabled.  This means that every customer across Atria will now have a company field on the user.  If unchecked, the setting will apply only to the currently selected customer.
    3. The Property Label will be the name displayed in the Edit user form along with the description.Check the visible setting and leave the other settings defaulted.
      4. Next, select "Save" to save the configuration.

To Test

Create a new user, expand the Additional User Properties and update the new Company field.


Select provision, then view the User in AD Users and Computers:

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