Adding a Remote Dedicated Customer
In Atria V15, we now have the ability to manage Private Active Directory's.
Customers who have their own AD Infrastructure, gain the same self service and management capabilities of Atria that have worked so well for multi-tenant Active Directories.
The Atria Workspace service (Previously known as CITRIX), allows you to consistently control access to desktops, applications and resources without needing to connect VPNs or log onto Servers.
This guide shows how to create a Private customer, deploy the Atria Agent, then import the users for management within Atria.
Creating a Customer
First, Create the Customer in Atria using the Customers > New Dedicated
Customer menu option

When you click on "Create Customer" you will be presented with an Installation script.
The script contains a unique install token for this customer, it needs to be executed on a server domain joined to the customers Active Directory.
It must be run as a user with Domain Administrator access.
Install Atria Agent into the clients Active Directory
Log onto a server in the customers Active Directory as a domain adminstrator.
Start an administrative PowerShell window, copy and paste the script into the window:

This will prompt you 2-3 times regarding permissions –
Please provide the answer “Y” to each of these values.
Now the agent install process will run - it will look something like this:
Once completed, the script will end. Now, head back to the Atria Portal.
Check Agent Status
Use the Environments feature to locate and view the status of the agent.
Locate the Customer, Click on the Environments link to view the status of the Atria agent
When the agent has successfully completed, all of the components should have a green health status. At this point the Active Directory is connected to Atria.
Finishing Customer Provisioning
Go back to the Customer, and select Provision
When provisioning has completed, you can now progress to import the users.
Importing the users from Active Directory
Next, go into the Customer, and select “User Directory
Import” on the left menu.

Select the Users you wish to import from their OU, then
select “Import”.

Now, if you refresh the users page – Depending on the customer size, users will start appearing in the user list.
You have now imported the Active Directory, ready for management!
At this stage, you are able to
- Update/Change user details
- Add new users
- Reset passwords
- Delete Users
- Group management features are also available to use.
The next stage is to configure the Workspace service
To import Active Directory groups into the Workspace Service,please follow this guide
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