Atria Dashboard - Add new Metrics/Graphs and other Examples
Starting in version 15.7, we introduced the Dashboard page in Atria where basic reports are displayed. The powershell script/app in this article will provide customization feature to add custom dashboard components/widgets.
Set-AtriaDashboardComponent.ps1 | Main script |
Set-AtriaDashboardComponent.Designer.ps1 | Contains UI components of main script |
New-AtriaCustomerDashboard.ps1 | For creating customer dashboards |
Remove-AtriaCustomerDashboardComponent.ps1 | For removing dashboard components/widgets |
Powershell UI
Execute main script Set-AtriaDashboardComponent.ps1
Field Definitions
Field | Type | Description |
Chart Title | Text | This will be displayed as the chart title in dashboard page. |
Stored Procedure | Dropdown | Name of stored procedure that will be created to store the SQL query. Automatically generated based from chart title but can be renamed or you can re-use existing dashboard component's stored procedures. |
Chart Type | Dropdown | These are the available chart types within Atria. |
Dashboard | Dropdown | These are the available dashboards in Atria. |
Order | Number | The order in which the component gets displayed in dashboard page. |
Width | Number | Width of table/component in a 12-grid layout (Select from 1-12). Note: Some chart types has minimum width requirement so specifying a width less than it's minimum will never be enforced. |
Height | Number | Height of table/component in a 12-grid layout (Select from 1-12). Note: Some chart types has minimum height requirement so specifying a height less than it's minimum will never be enforced. |
SQL Query | Text | Custom SQL query script to generate data that will supply values to dashboard component. |
Chart Metadata | Text | Generated when the "Generate" button gets clicked in the UI. The JSON metadata needs to be manually updated to configure how the data gets displayed. Some values will be automatically inserted to JSON text such as chart title, column names, etc. |
Metric Widget
- select count(*) as 'TotalUsers' from Users
Pie Chart
- select CustomerType, count(RequestID) as 'RequestCount'
- from (
- select RequestID, iif(ParentID is null, 'ServiceProvider', iif(Reseller is not null, 'Reseller', 'Customer')) as 'CustomerType'
- from (
- select r.RequestID, u.[Name] as 'User', c.[Name] as 'Customer', c.ParentID
- , (select top(1) 1 from Services where CustomerID = c.CustomerID and [Name] = 'Proxy' and ResellerService = 1) as 'Reseller'
- from Requests r
- inner join Users u on u.UserID = r.CreatedByUserID
- inner join Customers c on c.CustomerID = u.CustomerID
- where r.ParentID = 0
- ) as a
- ) as b
- group by CustomerType
Line/Spline Chart
- select distinct DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, DateAdded), 0) As Month
- , count(UserID) as UserCount
- from users
- where DateAdded > DATEADD(m, -6, GetDate())
- group by DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, DateAdded), 0)
- order by DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, DateAdded), 0) asc
Grid Chart
- select c.[Label] as 'Customer'
- , asji.[Label] as 'Event'
- , asji.[Message]
- , case
- when asji.MessageType = 1 then 'Warning'
- when asji.MessageType = 2 then 'Error'
- else 'Info' end as 'Type'
- , asj.[Started] as 'DateTime'
- from AzureSyncJobs asj
- inner join AzureSyncJobItems asji on asji.SyncJobId = asj.SyncJobId
- inner join Customers c on c.CustomerID = asj.CustomerId
- where asji.[Message] is not null
- and asji.MessageType in (1, 2)
Additional Useful Potential Scripts
Log of Customer Administrator Log ins in the last 7 days
For use in a grid, this will output any Administrator who has logged into the Atria platform - This would mean either Customers or Resellers.
- select LH.LoginDateTime,, u.Label, u.upn, c.Label, u.Administrator, LH.Reason, LH.SessionID
- from LoginHistory LH
- inner join users u on lh.UserID = u.UserID
- inner join customers c on u.CustomerID = C.CustomerID
- where LoginDateTime between (DATEADD(day,-5,GETDATE())) and GETDATE()
- and C.CustomerId != 1
- order by 1 desc
Customer Dashboard Examples
Recent User Related Actions in the Last 7 Days
- select
- u.[Label] as 'User'
- , c.[Label] as 'Customer'
- , a.ActionTaken as 'Action Taken'
- , a.UserId
- , c.CustomerID as 'CustomerId'
- from (
- select (
- case
- when ot.[Type] = 'Users' then (select UserID from Users where ObjectID = r.ObjectID)
- when ot.[Type] = 'ServiceUsers' then (select UserID from ServiceUsers where ObjectID = r.ObjectID)
- end
- ) as 'UserId'
- , r.[Description] as 'ActionTaken'
- , r.Created
- from Requests r
- inner join Objects o on o.ObjectID = r.ObjectID
- inner join ObjectTypes ot on ot.ObjectTypeID = o.ObjectTypeID
- where r.ParentID = 0
- and r.ObjectID != 0
- and ot.[Type] in ('Users', 'ServiceUsers')
- and datediff(day, cast(r.Created as Date), cast(getdate() as Date)) <= 7
- ) as a
- inner join Users u on u.UserID = a.UserId
- inner join Customers c on c.CustomerID = u.CustomerID
- where c.CustomerID in (select CustomerID from tf_CustomerHierarchy(@CustomerId, 1))
- order by a.Created desc
- {
- "Title":"Recent User Related Actions (Last 7 Days)",
- "sort":{
- "allowSorting":true,
- "isDefault":true,
- "defaultSortBy":"Customer",
- "direction":"ASC"
- },
- "filter":{
- "allowFiltering":true
- },
- "pagination":{
- "allowPaging":true,
- "pageSize":10
- },
- "columns":[
- {
- "name":"User",
- "autoFit":true,
- "allowResizing":true,
- "width":null,
- "isLinkable":true,
- "link":"/User/Users.aspx?CustomerID={CustomerId}\u0026UserID={UserId}",
- "linkText":"{User}"
- },
- {
- "name":"Customer",
- "autoFit":true,
- "allowResizing":true,
- "width":null,
- "isLinkable":true,
- "link":"/Customer/Customers.aspx?CustomerID={CustomerId}",
- "linkText":"{Customer}"
- },
- {
- "name":"Action Taken",
- "autoFit":false,
- "allowResizing":false,
- "width":null,
- "isLinkable":false,
- "link":null,
- "linkText":null
- }
- ]
- }
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